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Collected Stories

Plumb Productions presents:

Collected Stories

Wed 6 July to Sun 24 July 2022

Pitt St Theatre

Shows Wed to Sat at 7.30

and Sundays at 4pm

tickets at

Starring Elizabeth Hawthorne and Michelle Blundell

Plumb Theatre brings you

Collected Stories

a Pulitzer nominated play by Pulitzer winner Donald Margulies.

Directed by Paul Gittins.



“riveting, deeply affecting” - Hollywood Reporter      “a gem” Chicago Critic     
“emotionally charged” NY Daily News  “intimate and intelligent” Guardian

Over six scenes and six years, trust, betrayal, youthful ambition and the waning power of age go under the microscope in this emotionally charged and beautifully written Pulitzer nominated drama.

When the line between professional relationship and emotional involvement is crossed, the scene is set for an inevitable showdown between mentor and disciple.

For Ruth, (Elizabeth Hawthorne) famous short story writer and now teacher, the price of vulnerability is devastatingly costly.
For Lisa, (Michelle Blundell) the ambitious writing student, the price of fame is worth whatever it takes.

Screenwriter Nora Ephron famously said ‘everything is copy’.

Should it be so? Is it morally defensible to steal someone’s most personal secrets and make capital from them?

In this finely balanced drama, who will YOU side with?

“I could have used your friendship but you were too busy going through my panty drawer, scavenging through my personal effects.”




"Two superb actors and a brilliantly intelligent script make Collected Stories an enjoyable and thought-provoking night of theatre. Elizabeth Hawthorne and Michelle Blundell weave a complicated and believable relationship as New York writing tutor and pupil. Often I saw audience members nodding wisely to the insights offered by the Donald Margulies play. It's all served-up very nicely by director Paul Gittins, along with a simple and effective overall design. Go see it!" - JG.

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